The future has no master. We think we own it, but all we actually have is the present. The past is gone! We can't erase anything from what we have done. We might make things better or shove everything under the rug, but we can't erase our deeds. Nor get anything back. All the good memories turned into a picture on the wall, a smile on our face, the feeling of missing someone or something. Good and bad, all becomes past tense at some point. We can't live within memories, as we can't live through dreams. We belong to the day of today. All we have is now. Now we must live! Now we must love! Now we must be happy! Tomorrow can happen a million things, from hitting the jackpot to being hit by a car. The only thing sure we can say about the future is that it belongs to death, because death is the only thing sure in our future.
But today we are alive, so we'd better try living for a change. Do something crazy, or something that we've never done before. Do something normal, so normal that we've never enjoyed it before, listen a song that we like, call a friend just to say hello. Do something that we have always done, but this time a little better. Well, life might not be that easy. Some might be sad, crying, feeling lost. But who or what deserves our heart, to control our mind and thoughts? We might not have the one we want near us, or the things we want, the life we hoped for, but we have today. Tomorrow might really suck. We will miss that someone even more, we will get lonelier at night, our life will be a step further the one we imagined, but tomorrow is not ours, it belongs to the future. We can't play with the future, but we can make the rules of today's game.
The complete picture can be really undesirable, but if we take one piece of the puzzle on a time we might enjoy the ensemble of the miserable whole.
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